What is not racism?
Apparently, everyone knows the meaning of the word "racist." What many seem unaware of is what "non-racist" behavior entails.
"Non-racist," for example, is entering an elite restaurant in Brazil and finding white, brown, and people of African descent sitting together or at the same tables.
"Non-racist" is when I have the opportunity to criticize the rude behavior of a white customer or another ethnic group, whether discriminated against or not, who speaks disrespectfully to a waiter serving them, regardless of the waiter's nationality, gender, or belief. I am not attacked for my criticism if the rude person in question is part of a minority.
Because this fact is irrelevant and is not part of the consideration made.
Also, "non-racist" would be me leaving the same restaurant and waiting for my car, in my turn, in line, behind an Afro-descendant executive waiting for their new model car.
"Non-racist" would be me following the recommendations of my Jewish doctor or entrusting my case to my Afro-descendant lawyer, as their ethnicity is irrelevant but their qualifications are highly relevant.
What matters is that, as a citizen, they took advantage of the opportunities their country provided and became a master in their field.
And so, I could continue ranting about what a "non-racist" culture is.
I don't see Brazil like that—quite the opposite. Brazil is a racist country. Just look around. The hypocritical behavior of those in positions to change this, using their voices in empty and unproductive speeches, does nothing to improve this reality. They create resentment, noise, and pose as good guys in photos, talking about the racism everyone seems to know well. This is more of a hindrance than a help...and this has always been in Brazil's history: a lot of noise and little action, a lot of noise and little dedication, a lot of noise and little work, a lot of noise and little donation.
I will call this "speciesism," or lack of respect and love for others.
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