Is It Outdated to Have Ethics?
There's always someone who says they hate following "fads." Obviously, this word, in the speaker's mind, invokes the concepts of "ignorant majority", "group of people without personality", "go with the flow", and so on are implicit. So let's stop and think about the logic of this statement.
Anyone who says they are against fads and positions themselves on the opposite side of the "uninformed" majority. likes to be seen as anarchist, different, special, creative, opinionated, interesting, avant-garde, alternative (alternative today is like McDonald's, there is one on every corner) and, why not, enlightened; like, I'm better because I think differently. If this is actually true, then it becomes difficult to understand. Why? Because these are the characteristics of anyone who creates trends or wants, in fact, to be a dictator of trends and ephemeral fads. They want to do things "their way".
Let's get to it; the true opposite of fashion is, by definition, something that is timeless. That is, it existed in the past, it exists in the present and it will exist in the future. What do you call it? Tradition. You may like this fact or not, you may find the following statement right or wrong, but the opposite of the word fashion is tradition and no different! It seems that at some point in history this was diverted from the original concept. Well, many like to call tradition something old-fashioned, something right-wing, boring, something dictatorial and so on… Nothing could be more wrong. It is in tradition that we find the greatest challengers to trends. There is nothing older than the discussion about what is right or wrong. If someone opposes this type of discussion, should I then assume that they are someone who opposes trends? Or are they someone who is totally in fashion? No. Neither. Maybe they are someone who likes to follow certain traditions that never go out of style and are always at the forefront, in addition to being quite old-fashioned.
For example? Ethics. Let's stop calling tradition old-fashioned. The attitude of oppressive people. There are other words to define these behaviors. A square person is someone who doesn't accept that things change and become fashionable. I've never met a more square person than anarchists! Geez, they haven't changed their speech or behavior since the Stone Age! Such bores. And there's no point in trying to convince me that "Black Bloc" isn't the best name for the next Chanel bag!
Greek philosophers already discussed timeless values that are essential for a healthy civilization, such as ethics, justice, and virtue. These principles transcend fads and remain relevant over time. For example, Plato emphasized that true wealth lies in virtue, in doing good, and in adhering to ethical and moral principles.
Therefore, instead of following passing fads, it is more enriching to embrace traditions that promote universal and timeless values, such as ethics, which underpin harmonious coexistence and a fair society.
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